Hello, my name is Herby, and I’ll be your guide…
(I suggest bookmarking this page. You may need it for future reference.)
Your success here will depend on completing all of these important steps:
Note: You do NOT have to pay for anything. We give you free membership, plus all the tools we use, so that you can function effectively.
Step 1) To fully understand how this initiative fits into the bigger picture, please attend the Introduction to The Art of Living Freely webinar. This initiative uses the revenue share business model, which is explained in the webinar. Please do take the time to attend, it’s essential.
Click here to attend the webinar!
Step 2) We give you FREE access to The Art of Living Freely website and eBook, so that you can fully understand HOW this initiative fits into everything we do. Enter your coupon code at the paywall. Look for “If you have a coupon code, please apply it below.” and apply the coupon.
Coupon Code: Ambassadors
No need to enter any credit card details, and there is NO catch. Readership access is FREE and the eBook yours to keep, regardless.
Click here to access The Art of Living Freely website!
Step 3) Join the LinkedIn Group for The Art of Living Freely. Introduce yourself as an Ambassador and participate in the discussion. Spreading the word is your primary role. Please consider inviting all your contacts to join the group. The LinkedIn Group is a good place to send sceptics!
Click here to join The Art of Living Freely LinkedIn Group!
Step 4) Join the Meetup Group for The Art of Living Freely. Introduce yourself as an Ambassador. Please consider inviting your friends, family and colleagues to join the Meetup Group. Encourage them to attend local events. It may be possible for you to host a Meetup in your area!
Click here to join The Art of Living Freely Meetup Group!
Step 5) Get a head start and set yourself up with all the free tools we use to communicate, manage tasks, and increase productivity. It will not be possible to function as an Ambassador without these tools. The most important thing to do in this step, is select the methods to pay you!
Click here to set up your tools and payment method!
Step 6) The quickest way to become a successful Ambassador, is to interact with like-minded people, and learn from others. To that end, we ask that you join our community. There you will find help and comradery. You have access to the community as part of your membership.
Click here to join the discussion!
Step 7) This is where the work starts, but it’s all point-and-click easy. Simply click your way through the action list for this initiative. The list is personalized and we keep track of completed items. Everything can be done at your convenience and comfort levels. Nothing is mandatory.
Keep track of your efforts, progress and earnings, in real-time!
Click here to check your stats and commissions!
We look forward to working well with you!
Herby Olschewski
Click here to get the big picture!